Norfolk’s Drive-In Movie season is waiting for you and your motor

drive in cinema

Spring is here and Norfolk events have sprung into action. With the need for socially distanced ways to enjoy the changing weather, Pop-Up Pictures are bringing their inflatable cinema screens to the Norfolk Showground to put on an amazing programme of Drive-In movies perfect for us to spend some time with our motors.

A real classic

cars parked on parking lot during daytime

A popular pastime in the 1950s, it would certainly be a breath of fresh air to feel like we’re somewhere long before now. What’s more is the opportunity to spend some time around people, though safe in your beautifully fashioned car.

If you’re unfamiliar with the organisers, Pop-Up Pictures, their fantastic Christmas and Summer screenings have never failed to impress. In the past, movie-goers would sit on picnic blankets on the grass but the need for social distancing has caused them to rearrange their events to become drive-in experiences. With cars like ours, we’re not complaining.

Those of us with a high-fidelity sound system will have an even better experience. You can play the sound of the movie straight from your radio by tuning it to a specific frequency. Unlike being at the cinema where rustling popcorn and people’s phones can be a pain, you can make as much or as little noise as you’d like in your car. As far as food goes, don’t be surprised if there’s an excellent selection of food trucks and stalls at the events.


gray coupe on road in focus photography

We have to talk about the movies. Whether you want some alone time with your car, bringing a date or your whole family, there’s a movie for everyone from familiar classics to exciting new films. One such classic is 1979 classic Grease which sees John Travolta playing Danny Zuko. Come for the tunes, stay for that gorgeous Ford De Luxe.

No, really. Whilst the car takes centre stage in Grease, the eagle-eyed classic car enthusiasts among you will notice that the De Luxe makes a cameo appearance in two more of the films featured in the programme of events.

SPOILER ALERT: The 1947 model is gifted to Ralph Macchio’s Daniel-san in The Karate Kid (if you’ve seen the spin-off Cobra Kai, he still owns the car!) and the 1946 Super De Luxe convertible model is driven by Back to the Future’s Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson). However, we can’t talk about Back to the Future without bringing up that iconic DMC Delorian outfitted with its flux capacitor.

While our SMART Repair techniques are cutting-edge, we’ve still got some catching up to do in terms of turning your car into a time machine. But with how quickly and efficiently our experts can fix your car’s dents and scratches, you’d think some sort of time travel was involved.

Riding solo? Or carrying people?

red and yellow UNK neon light signage

For families, there’s the ever-heartwarming Coco and, speaking of time travel, Jim Henson’s 1986 classic Labyrinth starring Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie. If a different kind of musical is more your thing, Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody round off the whole event.

As you can see, there’s an incredible selection of movies just waiting for you. But you wouldn’t go to the Oscars in just any old thing, would you? If your car needs a quick and cost-effective repair that travels to you, you can book an appointment with East Anglia Smart Repair by calling 0330 111 0203, email us at [email protected] or fill out the form on our website.